Many people choose to support Northern Ireland Hospice in memory of someone they love and in recognition of the high-quality compassionate care we provide. There are various ways you can give in memory of that special someone...
Donations in lieu of flowers at your loved one's funeral
Simply collecting donations instead of flowers at a funeral can help to support local people living with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses. We offer a range of materials to help, from funeral collection envelopes, cardboard collection boxes and pin badges.

Setting up a Tribute Fund can provide a lasting and poignant tribute to a loved one. Any fundraising in their memory can be coordinated through the fund, from organising a walk to holding a coffee morning.
If your Tribute Fund donations have reached £1,000 a plaque with your loved one’s name will be placed on a beautiful commemorative butterfly sculpture in our memorial garden at Horizon House. We also hold a special Remembrance Service every year for those who have raised £1,000 for our caring services through their Tribute Fund.
Call our Supporter Care Team on 02890 777123 for more details and to set up a Tribute Fund or complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.