Livingstone Tractor Run raises over £130,000 for local charities
In total £130,681 was raised by the event, a total that was also split with the Southern Area Hospice and NI Air Ambulance. The generosity of all those who contributed is especially amazing, as the run itself had to be postponed due to the Covid situation in December.
In total £130,681 was raised by the event, a total that was also split with the Southern Area Hospice and NI Air Ambulance. The generosity of all those who contributed is especially amazing, as the run itself had to be postponed due to the Covid situation in December.
The Livingstone family said: “It was only possible to raise this fantastic amount this year due to the incredible support of Ben Sergeant, local businesses and the public.
“Ben Sergeant of Ben Sergeant Tractors has contributed massively to the event for several years and we appreciate that continued support. On behalf of all who contributed we were delighted to present generous donations to the Southern Area Hospice, NI Children’s Hospice and NI Air Ambulance charities.”
December 2021 would have marked the milestone 10th annual Livingstone Tractor Run, which over the years has raised a magnificent £738,211 for its chosen charities.